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Global/Local, acrylic on canvas, dyptch, 122 x 122cm, 2002 (commission for Dundalk Institute of Technology)


Self Image, acrylic on canvas, 7ft x 14ft, 1998


A+Z Holidays, acrylic on deck chairs, dyptch, 1998-1999


Installation view, Overgaden, Copenhagen, 1999


Portfolio, acrylic on portfolio, 1999 Country Bank Collection, New York.


Kafka's Trunk, oil on trunk, 1998-1999


Lost Letters, acrylic on canvas, series of 9 paintings, 1999 private collection, Denmark


Not arranged in any order of preference but it would be nice to hit in and around the bullseye I, oil on dartboard, 1999 (Private collection, Denmark)


Not arranged in any order of preference but it would be nice to hit in and around the bullseye II, oil on dartboard, 1999 (Private collection, USA)


'Stop (Detail), Go,' dyptch, acrylic on canvas, 5ft x 5ft 1999


Shortlist of people I've seen or met, acrylic on canvas, 7ft x 14ft, 1998-1999 (Bank of Ireland Collection)


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